
Helping to build a better and more sustainable world, this is our company purpose.

The Menegotti Group is committed to making its brands and processes increasingly sustainable: with environmental, social and economic responsibility.

Ilustração três pilares

Knowing the impact, it has on the community where we pass through, it is through three pillars that we seek solutions that generate value, safe and sustainable.


(ODS 6, 7, 12, 13)
  • Actions against climatic changes;
  • Water and energy;
  • Efficiency in the use of Menegotti materials and products;
  • Reuse and recycling.


(ODS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10)
  • Health, well-being and safety at work;
  • Talent retention / development / education / diversity and inclusion;
  • Value relationship – supplier and community


(ODS 8, 9, 11, 16, 17)
  • Governance that generates value and growth for itself and the community;
  • Information security and privacy;
  • Sustainable and continuous innovation;
  • Collaboration;
  • Ethic.

Sustainability Challenges for Menegotti Group

1. Finding a medium-and-long-term between environmental, social and economic governance (ESG) concerns and define how they affect the company and related interest groups.
2. Manage the impact on society and identify opportunities for sustainable development to create shared value.
3. Fulfill the commitments made.

These objectives were materialized through the document “Sustainable Attitudes 2020” and are being conducted through a line of work for voluntary contribution to the world’s largest strategy for Sustainable Development – the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

The desire is to reach maturity level 4-5 by 2030 in most of the themes of sustainable dimensions applicable to the company.

Discover some of the projects undertaken that will make a difference in the society in which we live.


  • Give destination to 100% of the materials;
  • Reduce waste in the production process;
  • Trees for planting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030;
  • Rainwater reuse – reducing consumption and rational use of water in the industry is also a precaution the company seeks. In 2021, was built a structure for rainwater harvesting for use in the painting booth and bathrooms, in addition to installing reservoirs to use rainwater for cleaning sidewalks/others;
Selo ambiental
  • Distribute large acrylic cups frequently to use fewer disposable plastics / replace cafeteria cups;
  • Parts produced with reused/recycled components;
  • Incandescent and fluorescent lamps being replaced by the LED system, which in addition to a longer useful life brings about 70% energy savings.


Ilustração Social
  • Enable 1% of local community in civil construction;
  • Zero accidents;
  • Increase women in leadership position;
  • Implement a Citizen company program or a women’s program;
  • 40% of young apprentices hired by 2023;
  • Increase purchase share of national inputs and local suppliers – The group has relevancy in the local economy where its plants are located in Brazil and challenge itself to increase its participation with them in favor of the movement of the local economy;
  • Incentive to volunteer – initiatives with employees and the city business association with collection and donation of food, toys and clothing to entities in the region;
  • Mental and physical health care – the group has a location in Jaraguá do Sul, dedicated to sports activities available to employees, their dependents and the community. It has a soccer field, sports gym, grill, bocce court, playground, pool table and huts for integration and recreation.
Ilustração futebol


Ilustração Governança
  • Increase the annual net revenue generated through new products;
  • Promote science and innovation fairs;
  • Provide spaces for reading;
  • Allocate Tax to important Social Projects;
  • Make internet access available to more people;
  • Ethic code – in Menegotti’s corporate environment, ethics is present, which generates successful relationships with customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and the community. With clear direction, all the company’s expectations are positioned through the Menegotti Code of Ethics;
  • Financial care campaigns and Vault distribution for financial organization and awareness of the use of assets;
  • Hold lectures and educational events – financial savings, harmful effects of smoking, Sipat accident prevention week;
  • Implemented Digital Signature assisting in procedural agility, financial savings and legal certainty.
  • Deployment of Committees – to support the Executive Board in making strategic decisions, the company relies on the structuring of Committees. They follow policies contained in the committees’ manual, which outlines the best practices to be carried out within the company.